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100% Success

Happy Wednesday... Our God is just AWESOME.

I am not a Steve Harvey fan by any means, but he blessed me today. I was listening to him close out his radio show this morning and his message truly spoke to me. I came in on the middle of the conversation, but what I gathered a young woman had called in and she was in a really bad place. She felt helpless and as if there was no hope. Mr. Harvey shared with her, that in his 62 years of life, he has experienced at least 1000 really bad days ( probably more, but he gave the number of 1000), he said to her in your 32 years of life, she has probably experienced at least 100 really bad days, then he said, but do you know what we have in common ( her response, Mr.Harvey, we have nothing in common) he said WE BOTH SURVIVED. You survived those 100 really bad days and I survived those 1000 bad days. The Lord has a 100% Success track record. That is a Word today. No matter what you are facing, no matter what happened, YOU SURVIVED. The Lord gave you the breath of life and you woke up this morning. YOU SURVIVED.

I remember I quote that I heard several years ago, You got up after the worst day of your life. YOU SURVIVED!! Yes, it was painful, Yes, it hurt, Yes, you had to cry, Yes, you experienced loss, but YOU GOT IT. YOU SURVIVED.

"His anger lasts a moment; his favor lasts for life! Weeping may go on all night, but in the morning there is joy." Psalm 30:5 TLB

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