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The Journey of Carolyn Lesesane

Hello! I'm Carolyn Lesesane. I'm glad you're here and now that you are, let me share a little about me!  I have always been a happy person. Although, my life hasn’t always been a happy time for me. Losing my mother at the of nineteen had a significant impact on me. There was no question when asked if I loved my mother and I still do to his very day but there’s also not a day that goes by where I don’t think about her and thank her for the wisdom, lessons, spiritual discipline and love that she gave me. I was also fortunate enough to have met some beloved people and create long lasting relationships. I wish that some lasted much longer as I lost my best friend along my journey to who I am today!

Throughout these tough times, I’ve had to reflect on the love that I felt from my parents, sisters, brothers and my friends. I can’t say that I would be who I am or do what I am able to do today without them. I often say, “my home was not perfect, but you were always welcomed, and you always felt loved”. That is part of what I wish to share with you is that nothing is perfect, but I want you to feel welcome and loved!

I have worked in the non-profit industry for 20+ years (15 years full-time for my local church). This afforded me the opportunity to see people in the best of times as well as the worst of times. No matter what the situation, I learned that oftentimes a kind word, a smile, a hug, or just a shoulder to cry on was “just what the doctor ordered.”  Over 6 years ago, the Lord gave me the idea to share inspirational messages via texts. This began with a very small group and grew to hundreds of people in less than a year. During the pandemic, the Lord instructed me to share these daily encouragements via a Podcast. Without any formal training, on May 4, 2021, the first podcast “CJL Ministries Defining Moments Inspiration Podcast” was created and published. Defining Moments Inspiration Podcasts endeavors to share moments of encouragement, inspiration, and REAL TALK.

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